LinkedIn: 5 reasons why you should be tagging relevant companies and organisations

In the dynamic world of professional networking, LinkedIn serves as a cornerstone for forging connections and showcasing expertise. Beyond individual profiles, it also wields power in content sharing—a space where strategic engagement is key. Tagging relevant companies and organizations is a potent strategy within this realm. This straightforward practice unlocks various benefits, from expanding visibility to fostering connections. In this article, explore how tagging in LinkedIn posts can transform your online presence and industry influence, enhancing reach, credibility, and networking opportunities.

  1. Increased Visibility:
    Tagging relevant companies in your posts contributes to heightened visibility for your content. When you tag a company, your post might appear in their notifications or activity feeds, potentially reaching their followers and drawing new viewers to your content.

  2. Networking Opportunities:
    Tagging companies in your LinkedIn posts opens doors to networking. By showcasing collaborations, partnerships, or affiliations between your company and others, you can establish relationships with their employees, stakeholders, and clients. This practice also nurtures professional connections within your industry.

  3. Content Amplification:
    When you tag a company, there's a chance they will engage with your content through likes, comments, or shares. This interaction can expand your post's reach to the company's audience, broadening the scope of your content exposure.

  4. Credibility and Authority:
    Tagging reputable companies bolsters your credibility and authority within your industry. Demonstrating your association with established organizations fosters trust among your audience, portraying your company as a reliable and respected player.

  5. Collaboration and Partnerships:
    Leveraging tags in your LinkedIn posts is an effective method to announce and promote collaborations, partnerships, or joint ventures. By spotlighting the shared value and benefits of collaboration, you attract attention from potential clients, investors, or companies interested in similar partnerships.

Tagging companies and organizations on your LinkedIn posts is akin to planting seeds of collaboration and growth. Each tag you make acts as a catalyst, propelling your content towards wider visibility, fostering valuable connections, and inviting opportunities that can shape your professional trajectory. As you integrate this powerful strategy into your LinkedIn approach, you're not just tagging names; you're weaving a tapestry of relationships that extend far beyond the digital realm. So, embrace the art of tagging, and watch as your LinkedIn profile blossoms into a testament of your industry involvement, credibility, and endless possibilities.

Adele Gannaway

DELSKE creative is a full service creative consultancy helping businesses standout and grow in their specific field. Specialising in; Branding, design, websites, copywriting, marketing, photography, drone photography, clothing, print & signage. Our intention is to develop unique, effective creative solutions and direction for your brand, business, project or product to give it an edge in today’s competitive market. We can improve business growth and sales through our services and with one point of contact we can work with you to achieve a smooth and enjoyable process with effective results.